May 1, 2010

Divine Soul Songs (part 3 of ????)

It's never too late to sing Divine Soul Songs - and never too early! I was about to say the same thing about Tao Songs, but I realized that it could be too late soon! Master Sha's 3-dy Tao Enlightenment Retreat, 10-day Tao Retreat and 10-year Tao training are in front of us. If you are really serious about your spiritual and healing journey, you will not want to miss them. You'll understand how valuable it would be to register your loved ones for the Tao Enlghtenment retreat too. It's quite literally the greatest gift you can give them.

Listen to your soul. Listen to your spiritual mothers, fathers and guides. What are they saying to you? I can tell you that this is not a once in a lifetime opportunity. It is a once in LIFETIMES opportunity. Grab the opportunity! Hope to see you at the Tao Retreat. My love to all.

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